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Moca Clima

Come creare un Encoder\Spinner rotativo con Arduino e usarlo come Mouse retropie

19-03-2024 18:42

Peppe Morra (Moca clima)

CONSIGLI E FAI DA TE, arduino come usarlo, raspbarry, Come creare un Encoder\Spinner rotativo con Arduino e usarlo come Mouse retropie,

Come creare un Encoder\Spinner rotativo con Arduino e usarlo come Mouse retropie

Come creare un EncoderSpinner rotativo con Arduino e usarlo come Mouse retropie




Per trasformare un Arduino Micro in un Encoder/Spinner, facendolo leggere come un Mouse Usb dai PC oppure da un Raspberry, devi per prima cosa aprire il programma Arduino, poi caricare le librerie, poi copiare il codice verde in basso in un nuovo schetch, e poi effettuare le saldature sui pin necessari, ti basta vedere lo schema in basso, i pulsanti (massimo 6) non sono tutti necessari, quindi utilizza solo quelli che possono esserti utili):


Per il collegamento Arduino con L'Encoder/Spinner :

collega il filo nero dell'Encoder (negativo) sul pin (GND)

collega il filo rosso dell'Encoder sul pin VCC

collega il filo bianco sul pin 2

collega il filo azzurro sul pin 3



per gli eventuali (massimo 6)  pulsanti usa queste combinazioni:

GND + 4 = pulsante 1

GND + 5 = pulsante 2

GND + 6 = pulsante 3

GND + 7 = pulsante 5

GND + 8 = pulsante 6

GND + 9 = pulsante 7



Ora devi installarti una IDE di Arduino link

Poi scaricare e installare questa libreria, e poi ricopiare il programmino in verde (in basso) in una nuova schetch per poi caricarlo sul nostro arduino micro (guarda il video)



/*   Arcade Spinner v0.7
*    Copyright 2018 Joe W (jmtw000 a/t gmail.com)
*                   Craig B - Updated code for mouse movement modes(DROP, ACCM) and case statement for Button port bit validation
*    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
*    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
*    (at your option) any later version.
*    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*    GNU General Public License for more details.
*    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "Mouse.h"
#include <Joystick.h>

#define pinA 3    //The pins that the rotary encoder's A and B terminals are connected to.
#define pinB 2
#define maxBut 6  //The number of buttons you are using up to 10.

//Create a Joystick object.
 maxBut, 0,             // Button Count, Hat Switch Count
 true, true, false,    // X, Y, but no Z Axis. We need at least two axes even though they're used.
 false, false, false,   // No Rx, Ry, or Rz
 false, false,          // No rudder or throttle
 false, false, false);  // No accelerator, brake, or steering;

//The previous state of the AB pins
volatile int previousReading = 0;

//Keeps track of how much the encoder has been moved
volatile int rotPosition = 0;

volatile int rotMulti = 0;

//Set the initial last state of the buttons depending on the max number of buttons defined in maxBut

#if maxBut==1
int lastButtonState[maxBut] = {1};

#if maxBut==2
int lastButtonState[maxBut] = {1,1};

#if maxBut==3
int lastButtonState[maxBut] = {1,1,1};

#if maxBut==4
int lastButtonState[maxBut] = {1,1,1,1};

#if maxBut==5
int lastButtonState[maxBut] = {1,1,1,1,1};

#if maxBut==6
int lastButtonState[maxBut] = {1,1,1,1,1,1};

#if maxBut==7
int lastButtonState[maxBut] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1};

#if maxBut==8
int lastButtonState[maxBut] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};

#if maxBut==9
int lastButtonState[maxBut] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};

#if maxBut==10
int lastButtonState[maxBut] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};

void setup() {
 //No need to set the pin modes with DDRx = DDRx | 0b00000000 as we're using all input and that's the initial state of the pins
 //Use internal input resistors for all the pins we're using  
 PORTD = 0b11010011; //Digital pins D2, D3, D4, D6, and D12.
 PORTB = 0b11110000; //Digital pins D8, D9, D10, D11
 //PORTB = 0b01110010; //Digital pins D8, D9, D10, and D15 Pro Micro Craig B
 PORTC = 0b11000000; //Digital pin D5 and D13
 PORTE = 0b01000000; //Digital pin D7
 //PORTF = 0b11000000; //Digital pin A0 & A1
 //Start the joystick
 //Center the X and Y axes on the joystick
 //Set up the interrupt handler for the encoder's A and B terminals on digital pins 2 and 3 respectively. Both interrupts use the same handler.
 attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(pinA), pinChange, CHANGE); 
 attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(pinB), pinChange, CHANGE);

 //Start the mouse

//Interrupt handler
void pinChange() {

 //Set the currentReading variable to the current state of encoder terminals A and B which are conveniently located in bits 0 and 1 (digital pins 2 and 3) of PIND
 //This will give us a nice binary number, eg. 0b00000011, representing the current state of the two terminals.
 //You could do int currentReading = (digitalRead(pinA) << 1) | digitalRead(pinB); to get the same thing, but it would be much slower.
 int currentReading = PIND & 0b00000011;

 //Take the nice binary number we got last time there was an interrupt and shift it to the left by 2 then OR it with the current reading.
 //This will give us a nice binary number, eg. 0b00001100, representing the former and current state of the two encoder terminals.

 int combinedReading  = (previousReading << 2) | currentReading;

 //Now that we know the previous and current state of the two terminals we can determine which direction the rotary encoder is turning.

 //Going to the right
 if(combinedReading == 0b0010 || 
    combinedReading == 0b1011 ||
    combinedReading == 0b1101 || 
    combinedReading == 0b0100) {
    rotPosition++;                   //update the position of the encoder


 //Going to the left
 if(combinedReading == 0b0001 ||
    combinedReading == 0b0111 ||
    combinedReading == 0b1110 ||
    combinedReading == 0b1000) {
    rotPosition--;                   //update the position of the encoder

 //Save the previous state of the A and B terminals for next time
 previousReading = currentReading;

void loop(){

 int currentButtonState;

 //If the encoder has moved 1 or more transitions move the mouse in the appropriate direction 
 //and update the rotPosition variable to reflect that we have moved the mouse. The mouse will move 1/2 
 //the number of pixels of the value currently in the rotPosition variable. We are using 1/2 (rotPosition>>1) because the total number 
 //of transitions(positions) on our encoder is 2400 which is way too high. 1200 positions is more than enough.
 if(rotPosition >= 1 || rotPosition <= -1) {
   rotMulti = rotPosition>> 1;                 //copy rotPosition/2 to a temporary variable in case there's an interrupt while we're moving the mouse 
   rotPosition -= (rotMulti<< 1);              //adjust rotPosition to account for mouse movement


 //Iterate through the 10 buttons (0-9) assigning the current state of the pin for each button, HIGH(0b00000001) or LOW(0b00000000), to the currentState variable
 int button = 0;
 do {
   switch ( button ) {
     case 0:  //on digital pin 4, PD4 - Arcade Button 0
       currentButtonState = (PIND & 0b00010000) >> 4; //logical AND the 8-bit pin reading with a mask to isolate the specific bit we're interested in and then shift it to the end of the byte
     case 1:  //on digital pin 5, PC6 - Arcade Button 1
       currentButtonState = (PINC & 0b01000000) >> 6;
     case 2:  //on digital pin 6, PD7 - Arcade Button 2
       currentButtonState = (PIND & 0b10000000) >> 7;
     case 3:  //on digital pin 7, PE6 - Arcade Button 3
       currentButtonState = (PINE & 0b01000000) >> 6;
     case 4:  //on digital pin 8, PB4 - Arcade Button 4
       currentButtonState = (PINB & 0b00010000) >> 4;
     case 5:  //on digital pin 9, PB5 - Arcade Button 5
       currentButtonState = (PINB & 0b00100000) >> 5;
     case 6: //on digital pin 10, PB6 - Arcade Button 6
       currentButtonState = (PINB & 0b01000000) >> 6;
     case 7: //on digital pin 11, PB7 - Arcade Button 7
       currentButtonState = (PINB & 0b10000000) >> 7;
     case 8: //on digital pin 12, PD6 - Arcade Button 8
       currentButtonState = (PIND & 0b01000000) >> 6;
     case 9: //on digital pin 13, PC7 - Arcade Button 9
       currentButtonState = (PINC & 0b10000000) >> 6;
     default: //should never happen
       currentButtonState = 0b00000000;

   /*Pro Micro 10 buttons (2 unused) Craig B
    * switch ( button ) {
     case 0:  //on digital pin 4, PD4 - Arcade Button 1
       currentButtonState = (PIND & 0b00010000) >> 4;
     case 1:  //on digital pin 5, PC6 - Arcade Button 2
       currentButtonState = (PINC & 0b01000000) >> 6;
     case 2:  //on digital pin 6, PD7 - Arcade Button 3
       currentButtonState = (PIND & 0b10000000) >> 7;
     case 3:  //on digital pin 7, PE6 - Arcade Button 4
       currentButtonState = (PINE & 0b01000000) >> 6;
     case 4:  //on digital pin 8, PB4 - Arcade Button 5
       currentButtonState = (PINB & 0b00010000) >> 4;
     case 5:  //on digital pin 9, PB5 - Arcade Button 6
       currentButtonState = (PINB & 0b00100000) >> 5;
     case 8:  //on digital pin 10, PB6 - COIN/Select Button 9
       currentButtonState = (PINB & 0b01000000) >> 6;
     case 9:  //on digital pin 15, PB1 - PLAYER/Start Button 10
       currentButtonState = (PINB & 0b00000010) >> 1;
     default: //Extra digital pins 16, PB2 and 14, PB3
       currentButtonState = 0b00000000;
   //If the current state of the pin for each button is different than last time, update the joystick button state
   if(currentButtonState != lastButtonState[button])
     Joystick.setButton(button, !currentButtonState);
   //Save the last button state for each button for next time
   lastButtonState[button] = currentButtonState;

 } while (button < maxBut);




